Amber Alert

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Marvin Ross

Greetings from Wi!

When is Bigheart Day this year?
The last Saturday(5/31?) or the 24th?

Louise Red Corn

Bigheart Day this year is on May 24.


I will be praying for your son. How is he doing now since April. Psalms 118:17 is the verse I claimed for myself . Hope to hear much more about this young man's courage under fire. What doesn't break him will make him stronger. God bless you richly Rae


I wish him well. Keep positive attitude. I know I'm going through chemo myself, but for a different type of blood cancer. I know what the 20 day schedule is like. Keep your chin up and keep smiling.
Wishing you well.



I wish him well. Keep positive attitude. I know I'm going through chemo myself, but for a different type of blood cancer. I know what the 20 day schedule is like. Keep your chin up and keep smiling.
Wishing you well.



He is such a good person with a big heart!! love ya bub!!

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